READINGS: Jeremiah 17:5-8/ 1 Corinthians 15:12, 16-20/ Luke 6:17, 20-26
6th Sunday in Ordinary Time

According to today’s first reading and responsorial Psalm, those who trust in the Lord God are blessed. On the one hand, those who trust in the Lord are like a person who possesses a precious pearl whose value appreciates constantly. On the other hand, those who trust in material things but lack trust in God are like a person whose property is constantly depreciating in value. It is in this light that we should understand the beatitudes and the woes in today’s gospel reading.

  1. Trust in God is Key to Blessedness:

In the first reading, the prophet Jeremiah contrasts the fate of the person who trusts in man with the person who trusts in the Lord.  The former “is like a shrub in the desert” (Jer. 17:6) which yields nothing. So, he/she is doomed.  On the other hand, the person who trusts in God “is like a tree planted by water” which “does not cease to bear fruit” (Jer. 17:8). So, he/she is blessed (Jer. 17:7).  Similarly, the Psalmist affirms that whereas the wicked will perish (Psalm 1:4-5); those who trust in the Lord will be blessed like a fruitful tree planted besides flowing waters (Psalm 1:3).

  1. Trust turns Nothingness into Blessedness:

Like both the prophet Jeremiah and the Psalmist, St. Luke presents us with the contrasting pictures of those who are blessed and those who are not. On the one hand, Jesus declares blessed those who are poor, hungry, weeping and hated. Why? Firstly, the poor are blessed (cf. Luke 6:20), not so much because of their poverty, but because they trust in the God of Providence. Secondly, those who hunger are blessed (cf. Luke 6:21), not so much because of their hunger, but because they trust in the God of Providence. Thirdly, those who weep are blessed (cf. Luke 6:21), not so much because of their grief/loss, but because they trust in God whose consolation is eternal. Fourthly, those who are hated for the sake of Christ are blessed (cf. Luke 6:22), not so much because of their torment, but because they trust in God whose vindication is everlasting.

  1. Lack of Trust depreciates our Blessings:

On the other hand, Jesus says “woe” to those who are rich, satisfied, laughing and praised, but who do not trust in God. Firstly, the rich are condemned (cf. Luke 6:24), not because of their wealth, but because they trust in it, instead of trusting in its Giver. 

Secondly, those who are satisfied are condemned (cf. Luke 6:25), not because of the food or material which satisfies them, but because they trust in it, instead of trusting in its Giver.

Thirdly, those who laugh are condemned (cf. Luke 6:25), not so much because of the immediate cause of their laughter, but because they have lost sight of God, the ultimate source of all joy.

Fourthly, those who are praised by everyone are condemned (cf. Luke 6:25), not so much because there are flaws in human assessment, but because they have lost sight of God who will eventually judge all.

Thus, the material blessings of the rich, satisfied, laughing and praised are reduced to zero value, because of their lack of trust in God.


In summary, then, on the one hand, the mere fact of being poor, hungry, weeping or hated does not attract God’s blessings. That which brings blessings in such situations is trust in God. On the other hand, the mere fact of being rich, satisfied, laughing or praised does not warrant condemnation by God. That which brings condemnation is the lack of trust in Him. Therefore, whether poor or rich, hungry or satisfied, weeping or laughing, hated or praised, let us place our absolute trust in God.


By Most Rev. John Kobina Louis

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